Tuesday, May 3, 2011

First Post!

So this is a little left-field for me.  Not the blog writing, but the reason behind it.  I was never the type of girl who had her wedding planned as a child, skimmed over wedding magazines, and wished for that perfect ceremony.  If anything, I ruthlessly denied that I would ever get married.  I softened over the years (shedding (shodding?) that emo, angry adolescent attitude) and decided I wouldn't mind a wedding to the right person, if only for the gathering of family and friends.  And the pile of Chinese gold my mother swore she would never bequeath unto me unless I got married.

Okay, so maybe it's a little greed too.  But it's just so shiny!

Greed aside, I think having three ceremonies (Western, Chinese, and Indian) is a little ambitious but I* figured, " think big, whittle down later if necessary."  Add onto the fact that we may have to have ceremonies in two locations AND we have enormously huge families makes this a bit of a logistical do-si-do.  Regardless, I'm really excited for this journey!

I'm hoping to use to blog to help organize my thoughts and see my progression through this whole thing.  The date hasn't been set yet since I think that all depends on the venue (which has not been chosen) and if we are going to have more than one location.  But we're thinking spring 2013, which gives us plenty of time, right?  ...Right?

Most modern Chinese weddings I've seen here in the States have a Western, white wedding during the day and then the Chinese banquet at night.  If we had to do two locations, this would be in Sacramento where most of my family is.  The Indian ceremony I defer to Mr. Journey's parents and we could have it in Toronto if it makes it easier for his family.  As to length, I hear it can go anywhere from one day to a week!  Thankfully, we're in agreement that we want something simple, hopefully not too expensive.

Since we're just making our start in life, we don't have a lot of resources and we want to pay for the wedding ourselves.  Which means I will tap into my Chinese cheapness and go full throttle!  I'm hoping with the help of loved ones, great wedding resources online, and DIY projects whenever possible (and I am NOT a crafty person in the least), we can make this happen.

So if you have any helpful tips or words of encouragement, I'd love to hear them!

BTW: Pinterest is my crack and my savior.  ALL HAIL!

*I'm not a big fan of the couples' speak of "we" and "us" so I'll be saying "I" and "me" even though Mr. Journey is in this every step of the way!

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